Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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Türkiye: Snow Avalanche: 2020/02/04-05 Country Information on DRR

Period 2020/02/04-05
Country or District Türkiye
Event Type Snow Avalanche
Outline Two avalanches occurred in the area between the Bahçesaray and Çatak districts (eastern Van province) of Turkey on 4 and 5 February 2020, killing 39 and injuring 84.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others

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AFAD situation Report 2020/2/5
Snow avalanches occurred twice at Van Province. 5 people were killed by the first avalanche on 4 Februay, and 33 people including search and resucure team of AFAD were killed, and 53 injured.

ECHO 2020/02/06
According to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), as of 6 February 2020, 5 people died on 4 February 2020, following the first avalanche, and another 33 people on 5 February 2020 in the second avalanche which occurred during search operations.