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Activity Report

7-9 March 2025


The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), a set of guidelines for disaster risk reduction-related initiatives, was formulated at the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2015. The World Bosai Forum has been held every two years since 2017 as one of the activities to promote it, bringing together all sectors -industry, government and academia, both domestic and international, to discuss DRR measures. The World Bosai Forum 2025 focused on the concepts of "Increasing Disaster Risks Due to Global Warming and Climate Change" and "Future Prospects."

20250307_2.pngADRC had a booth at the EXPO site in the Forum and introduced the ADRC's efforts such as promotion of DRR in Asia in cooperation with various stakeholders, advancement of DRR measures using ICT (for example, QZSS, a disaster risk information transmission system), and disaster information sharing via mobile phones using GIS and SNS as ADRC conducted projects in Mt. Fuji and Malaysia. In addition, six VRs from member countries (India, Republic of Korea, Turkiye, Fiji, Malaysia and Maldives) introduced the disaster situation and disaster risk management systems of their countries.

At the Forum, 45 organisations exhibited their own efforts and activities for DRR. Many people involved in DRR visited the ADRC booth, including representatives from JICA, universities and other academic institutions, private companies, NGOs and foreign exchange students, and the ADRC researchers and visiting researchers gave explanations and exchanged opinions with them.

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28 February 2025

ADRC publishes the Natural Disaster Data Book annually to provide a statistical and analytical overview of disasters. The Data Book covers occurrences of disaster events, deaths, affected people, and economic losses, focusing on seven disaster types: drought, earthquake, extreme temperature, flood, storm, wildfire, and volcanic activity.

The latest edition for 2023, as well as previous Data Books, can be found at the following website (in English only).

Natural Disasters Data Book 2023:

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28 February 2025


It is important to archive records and lessons learned for future generations and for other regions where major disasters are anticipated. ADRC has been supporting the effort to collect good practices for applying satellite remote sensing technologies to disaster management. One such record of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake entitled "A Record of the International Collaboration in Space-Based Responses to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake" was released by the Cambridge Scholars Publishing in November 2023, written by Dr KAKU Kazuya, Visiting Researcher of the ADRC.

The book provides a record of the generous and friendly support provided to Japan by other countries and the international community. In the wake of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, 27 satellites from 14 countries and regions repeatedly and collaboratively observed the disaster area from space to support disaster response activities. Through the response to the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, it was empirically proven that space-based responses with international collaboration can effectively support relief efforts during mass catastrophes.

The book examines activities related to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and others conducted by Sentinel Asia (SA) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) between 2006 and 2014 to derive the requirements for applying satellite remote sensing to disaster response support. It could serve as a reminder to those seeking to ensure preparedness for future calamities. The book could also be a textbook on the application of satellite remote sensing in disaster management.

For more information, see the below links.

Hardback and paperback:


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9 December 2024 - 20 February 2025


ADRC conducted a JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction (Toward a Resilient Society)" from 9 December 2024 to 20 February 2025, with the cooperation of JICA Kansai. Six government officials from five countries: Kosovo, Pakistan, Turkiye, Viet Nam, and Yemen, participated in this course, learning how to formulate and implement local DRR plans to promote DRR measures in each country.


It was conducted in a hybrid format, where participants attended online programs before coming to Japan for the in-person program. During the five-week program in Japan, the participants attended site visits and lectures at disaster-related organisations/facilities in Hyogo, Nara, and Kumamoto prefectures, and participated in events related to the 30th commemoration of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, to learn about Japanese experiences and countermeasures of DRR. Furthermore, they exchanged information and discussed each country's budget and policy issues to promote DRR. At the end of the course, they presented a draft local DRR plan, which they formulated through the program.

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30 November 2024


Sentinel Asia (SA) is a framework for collaboration among the space community (space agencies), the disaster management community (ADRC and its member organisations, and disaster management organisations), the international community, and academia (university, research and technical institutes). Collaboration with the disaster management community, via the ADRC and its members, has been a part of the major vision of SA from the outset. SA was initially proposed in 2004 under the framework of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF).Its implementation was agreed to in 2005. Implementation and operation began in 2006, and it is still in operation today.

A book entitled "10th Anniversary of Sentinel Asia: Space-Based Disaster Management Support in the Asia-Pacific" was released by the Cambridge Scholars Publishing in November 2024. It was written by Dr KAKU Kazuya, Visiting Researcher of the ADRC, Mr SUZUKI Koji, Project Director of the ADRC, and others.

The book summarises the activities of SA over the first decade from its conceptual inception in 2004, commemorating its 10th anniversary. It describes its history, framework, implementation approaches, how it operates, and its achievements, providing a good case study on how local partners have constructively collaborated to apply satellite remote sensing to support disasters management in the region. It will contribute to the further development of SA, and be a useful example for similar international collaborations for disaster response elsewhere.

Royalties from the book will be donated to disaster management efforts. For more information, see the below links.



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