TOP PAGE > ADRC Study visit to Kumamoto
ADRC Study visit to the affected areas the Kumamoto Earthquakes Photo
Date: 19-20 December 2016 Kumamoto, Japan
Group photo
Group photo1
Group photo2
1. Day 1: Monday 19 December 2016 (Opening and session1)

1 Opening address by ADRC chairman, Professor Hamada

2 Opening address by Ms.Saya,Director,Cabinet Office

3 Key Note speech by Professor Iokibe

4 Session 1

5 Mr.Honda, Director General on Crisis Management,Office of Governor,Kumamoto Prefecture

6 Mr.Nomura, Deputy Head,Sand Control Gropu,Kumamoto Branch Office,Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, MLIT

7 Mr.Okubo, Superintendent of Emergency Management, Hyogo Prefecture
2. Day1 Field visit (Mashiki Town)

1 Visit to the affected area

2 Visit to the affected area2

3 A severely affected area of Mashiki town

4 Community center at a temporary housing area

5 Community center at a temporary housing area 2
3. Day1 Field visit (Aso Bridge area)

1 Collapsed Aso Bridge area1

2 Collapsed Aso Bridge area2

3 Collapsed Aso Bridge area3

4 Collapsed Aso Bridge area4

5 Collapsed Aso Bridge area5

6 Collapsed Aso Bridge area6

7 Collapsed Aso Bridge area7

8 Removal of unstable sand by using unmanned machine

9 Operation room near the collapsed bridge1

10 Operation room near the collapsed bridge2
4. Reception

1 Mr.Kabashima, Governor of Kumamoto

2 Mr.Kabashima,Governor of Kumamoto2

3 Mr.Onishi, Mayor,City of Kumamoto

4 Mr. S. Srinath Miyanawala, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry, Sri Lanka

5 Prof.Makoto Iokibe

6 Ms.Setsuko Saya,Director,Cabinet Office

7 Prof.Hamada,Chairman of ADRC

8 Mr. Eric Wee Teck Yap, Commissioner SCDF and Mr.Onishi, Mayor of Kumamoto

9 Mr. Santillan,Assistant Secretary,Office of Civil Defense,Philippines and Prof.Hamada

10 Reception 1

11 Reception 2
5. Day 2 Session 2

1 Day2 Session 2

2 Secretary Mr. Lokdarshan Regmi, Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

3 Mr. Mishima, General Manager of Tourism and Exchange Department, City of Kumamoto

4 Mr. Yang Dorji,Chief Programme Officer, Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs, Bhutan

5 Ms. Sang Khov, Deputy Secretary General, National Committee for Disaster Management, Cambodia

6 Commissioner Mr. Wee Teck Eric Yap, Singapore Civil Defense Force

7 Dr. Raditya Jati, Deputy Director for Disaster Prevention,Directorate for DRR,BNPB, Indonesia

8 Mr. Rodolfo Demosthenes Centeno Santillan, Assistant Secretary, Office of Civil Defense, Philippines

9 Ms. Nilar Htun, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Myanmar

10 Mr. Badral Tuvshin, Chief, National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia

11 Ms. T. Katsuya, Deputy Secretary-General, Kumamoto International Foundation

12 Mr. S. Srinath Miyanawala, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry, Sri Lanka

13 Mr. Harutyunyan, Head of Department, Center of Seismic Hazard Assessment, Western Survey for Seismic Protection, Ministry of Emergency,Armenia

14 Director,Climate Change Response Division,MPSS,Korea

15 Session 2-2

16 Session 2-3
6. Day 2 Field visit(Kumamoto castle)

1 Visit to the affected area

2 Visit to the affected area

3 Visit to the affected area

4 Visit to the affected area

5 Visit to the affected area

6 Visit to the affected area

7 Visit to the affected area

8 Visit to the affected area

9 Visit to the affected area

10 Visit to the affected area

11 Visit to the affected area

12 Visit to the affected area