2024/10/31 |
NEW![Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2023 edition
2024/10/31 |
NEW![Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2023
2024/01/04 |
NEW![ADRC Report] Summary information on the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (Japan) is now available.
2023/10/12 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2022
2023/10/12 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2022 edition
2022/12/09 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2021
2022/12/09 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2021 edition
2022/01/28 |
[ADRC Report] Information on the Eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai volcano (Tonga), 15 January 2022 is distributed.
2022/01/11 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2020 edition
2021/11/25 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2020
2021/01/22 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2019 edition
2020/09/10 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2019
2020/06/11 |
[ADRC Report] Information on Challenges in Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 Observations in Asia is updated!
2020/05/19 |
[ADRC Report] Information on Challenges in Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 Observations in Asia is available.
2020/04/22 |
[ADRC Report] "Challenges in Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 Observations in the Philippines and Japan" (pdf, 1.8MB)
2020/01/23 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2018
2018/11/01 |
The Report of 20-Year History of ADRC was published for commemorating the 20th Anniversary of ADRC.
2018/10/30 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2017
2017/10/03 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2016
2017/07/13 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2015
2017/04/25 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2013
2016/06/21 |
The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Survey Report (Preliminary) (pdf, 1.08MB)
2016/04/30 |
"Build back better from Great East Japan Earthquake and Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Case studies"was published by the Cabinet Office of Japan. |
2016/03/30 |
"White Paper on Disaster Management 2015" was published by the Cabinet Office of Japan. Summary (pdf, 7.8MB) Full Version (pdf, 23.6 MB) |
2014/12/10 |
Guidebook on SME Business Continuity Planning in Japanese (pdf, 2.67MB)
Guidebook on SME Business Continuity Planning in 6 languages
2014/10/27 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2013 edition
2014/08/29 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2012
2013/12/03 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2012 edition
2013/05/22 |
Business Continuity Management Booklet for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (pdf, 611KB)
2013/05/02 |
[Report] BCP Status of the SMEs in the Asia-Pacific Region 2012”(pdf, 741KB)
2013/04/26 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2011
2012/08/31 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2010
2012/07/25 |
Natural Disasters Data Book-2011 edition is now available.
2012/07/25 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2011 edition
2012/06/18 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2010 edition
2012/02/01 |
[Report] “BCP status of the Private Sector in the APEC Region 2011” (pdf, 1.16MB)
2011/05/10 |
[Report] ”2011 Great East Japan Earthquake”
2011/05/02 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2009 edition
2011/04/07 |
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan's Tohoku Region: Rapid Damage Assessment and Need Survey ver.2
2011/03/30 |
[Report] "2011 Tohoku Pacific Ocean Earthquake"
2011/03/28 |
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan's Tohoku RegionRapid Damage Assessment and Need Survey ver.1
2011/01/06 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book-2008 edition
2010/09/03 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2009
2010/04/19 |
DRR Policy Peer Review Report
2010/04/02 |
Applications of DRR Tools:Sharing Asian Experiences
2010/03/24 |
[Good Practices] "Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices - 2009"
2010/02/17 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2008
2009/01/29 |
[Databook] "Natural Disasters Data Book-2007 edition"
2008/07/24 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2007
2008/05/09 |
[Good Practices] "Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices - 2008"
2008/01/29 |
[Databook] "Natural Disasters Data Book-2006 edition"
2007/10/18 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2006
2007/06/05 |
[Good Practices] "Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices - 2007 Supplement"
2007/04/24 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2005
2006/11/29 |
[Databook] "Natural Disasters Data Book-2005 (An Analytical Overview)"
2006/09/06 |
[Report] Survey on Tsunami Awareness in Indonesia (4): WEST SUMATRA (WEST ACEH)
2006/09/05 |
[Report] Survey on Tsunami Awareness in Indonesia (3): WEST SUMATRA (SIMEULUE DISTRICT)
2006/09/04 |
[Report] Survey on Tsunami Awareness in Indonesia (2): WEST SUMATRA (NIAS DISTRICT)
2006/08/30 |
[Report] Survey on Tsunami Awareness in Indonesia (1): Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar area of Aceh Province
2006/04/06 |
[Report] The stats of Major Disaters in FY2005
2006/01/06 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2004
2005/11/30 |
[Report] The stats of Major Disaters in FY2005 (preliminary)
2005/10/24 |
[Databook] Natural Disasters Data Book - 2004
2005/08/01 |
[Educational Material] Tsunami Awareness Educational Material "Inamura-no-hi" for 8 Asian countries (developed in collaboration with ADRRN)
2005/04/18 |
[Report] Recovery and reconstruction reports of the worldwide disasters and their comparative study
2005/04/15 |
[Report] Reports of the Multi-national Mission to the Tsunami Affected Area of India on 8-13 April 2005
2005/04/04 |
[Report] "Report of the survey on Tsunami Awareness in Sri Lanka" is available on the website.
2005/02/03 |
[Good Practices] "Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices"
2005/01/25 |
[Proceeding] Public Forum: Sharing of Experiences for Safer Asia "TDRM and its Good Practices" - on the occasion of the 7th ADRC International Meeting on 19 January 2005
2005/01/23 |
[Report] Summary report of the WCDR thematic session "Post-disaster Recovery -lessons learnt, challenges and future options -"
2005/01/20 |
[Report] A report of the Thematic Session on "Risk Communication" organized by ADRC in cooperation with other partners as part of the UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction
2005/01/17 |
[Report] Flash Report on Field Survey in India, Indonesia, Maldeves, Sri Lanka and Thailand of the Dec. 26, 2004 Tsunami Disaster in Indian Ocean
2004/12/20 |
[Annual Report] ADRC Annual Report 2003
2004/11/09 |
[Report] Flash report on field survey of the 2004 Niigata-ken-chuetsu earthquake
2004/10/28 |
[Proceeding] Report of the Public Forum -Recovery from Catastrophic Disasters- on 24 August 2004
2004/07/09 |
[Databook] "Natural Disasters Data Book - 2003 (An Analytical Overview)"
2004/07/06 |
[Report] Country Reports from Member Countries webpages are updated (Armenia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, and Thailand).
2004/04/13 |
[Proceeding] "Asian Conferenc on Disaster Reduction 2004"(February 4-6, 2004)
2004/03/19 |
[Proceeding] "International Conference on TDRM (Total Disaster Risk Management) " (December 2-4, 2003)
2003/12/24 |
[Annual Report] "ADRC Annual Report 2002"
2003/12/24 |
[Terminology] "Terminology on disaster risk reduction (edited by UN-ISDR)"
2003/12/05 |
[Newsletter] "Disaster Reduction in Asia -ISDR Informs (Issue 0)"
2003/10/17 |
The Minutes of the Japanese Session at the Second International Conference on Early Warning (EWC II) is available on the web.
2003/07/06 |
[Report] "Introduction to Satellite Information-based Disaster Analysis Techniques"
2003/06/30 |
[Databook] "Natural Disasters Data Book - 2002 (An Analytical Overview)"
2003/06/10 |
[Proceeding] "Interenational Training Program on Total Disaster Risk Management" (June 10-13, 2003)
2003/02/27 |
[Proceeding] "Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2003"(January 15-17, 2003, Kobe)
2003/02/20 |
[Proceeding] "Regional Workshop - Total Disaster Risk Management"(August 7-9, 2002, Kobe)
2003/02/06 |
[Report] "Living with Risk - A global review of disaster reduction initiatives -(Japanese abridged version)"
2002/08/19 |
[Report] "Disaster Prevenetion and Management Programs in Northeast Asian Regional Government"
2002/08/14 |
[Report] "Living with Risk - A global review of disaster reduction initiatives -"
2002/08/06 |
[Databook] "20th Century (1901-2000) Data Book on Asian Natural Disasters Vol.2"
2002/07/26 |
[Annual Report] "ADRC Annual Report 2001"
2002/06/26 |
[Proceeding] "Report of Regional Workshop on Networking and Collaboration among Non-Govenmental Organizations of Asian Countries in Disaster Reduction and Response"(February 20-22, 2002)
2001/11/20 |
[Report] "Information Technology For Disaster Management"
2001/10/11 |
[Report] "Community-Based Flood Mitigation Project;The Case of Bandung City, Indonesia"
2001/06/13 |
[Proceeding] "International Symposium on Internet based Disaster Information (ISIDI)"(August 27, 2001, Kobe)