FY2011 Annual Report

1. Asian Disaster Reduction Center
2. Highlights of 2011/2012
2-1. Report on the 2011 Thailand Floods
3. Collection and Distribution of Disaster Information
3-1. Disaster Risk Reduction Activities of Member Countries
3-2. Database on Disaster Risk Reduction
3-2-1. Latest Disaster Information Database
3-2-2. Multilanguage Glossary on Disaster Reduction
3-2-3. ADRC Newsletter: ADRC Highlights
3-3. Transmitting Image of Disaster Area and Offering Image Analysis Technique
3-3-1. Basic Research on Hazard Map for Glacial Lake Outburst Flood in Bhutan
3-3-2. Technical Advisory Mission (TAM) in Bangladesh
3-3-3. Emergency Observation
4. Human Resource Development
4-1. Human Resource Development and Information Networking on Visiting Researcher(VR)
4-1-1. Background
4-1-2. Objective
4-1-3. Activities of Visiting Researchers in FY2011
4-2. Seminars and Traning Course
4-2-1. JICA Training Course "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management"
4-2-2. JICA Training Course: Comprehensive Disaster Management for Central Asia and Caucasus
4-2-3. JICA Training / Disaster Management Planning for China 2011
4-2-4. JICA Training / Japan-Mongolia Joint Seminar on Preparedness and Mitigation to the Earthquake Disaster
4-3. Implementation of Short-term Training
4-4. Capacity Building in ASEAN region
4-4-1. Capacity Building related to the Use of Satellite Information
4-4-2. Development of a Web-Based and GLIDE-Associated Disaster Database
4-4-3. Capacity Building for Local Government Officials
4-4-4. Promotion of Disaster Education in Schools
5. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
5-1. Urban Search-and-Rescue Training in Singapore
5-2. Capacity Building in Member Countries
5-2-1. ADRC Cooperative Project for Promoting the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action
5-2-2. Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia
5-2-3. The Data collection Survey on Seismic and Tsunami Observation System (Papua New Guinea)
5-2-4. Study on the business continuity plan and Emergency Preparedness in APEC
5-2-5. Study on the use of ICT for disaster preparedness and response
5-3. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
5-3-1. Establishing a Regional Network in Asia
5-3-2. Promoting Cooperation with International & Regional Organizations and NGOs
6. The International Recovery Platform (IRP): History and Current Activities
6-1. The Establishment of the IRP
6-2. The Governance Structure of the IRP
6-3. IRP Activities in FY 2011
6-3-1. International Recovery Forum 2012
6-3-2. Participation in the Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
6-3-3. Consultation and Review on Aceh Post-Tsunami Recovery
6-3-4. Discussions on Recovery Planning