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Indonesia: Earthquake: 2000/06 Country Information on DRR

Period 2000/06
Country or District Indonesia
Event Type Earthquake
Outline A powerful earthquake rocked the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The quake was recorded at 7.9 on the Richter scale by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) According to the provincial government's report, 90 people were killed and 352 houses were completely destroyed.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
Reuters News 2000/06/05
A powerful earthquake and several strong aftershocks hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra, killing at least 40 people, injuring scores and sparking panic, officials and local media said on Monday. Several buildings in the city of Bengkulu on Sumatra's west coast collapsed and rescuers were searching for people buried in the rubble during the quake on Sunday, police said.
BAKORNAS (National Coordinating Board for Disaster Management), Indonesian Government
According to the Interview to BAKORNAS by ADRC staff, the latest info as follows: Number of Dead is 58, Number of Injured is more than 500 people. The most disastrous place is Enggano Island (Located 40 km from Epicentrum) and Bengkulu Province (Population of 1.5 mill,) 90% of Houses in Enggano Island are destroyed, and the Electricity only 20% is still left. The communication by phone is impossible to the area. The Hospital in the area is destroyed, in which the Government needs foreign assisstance to help the victims by providing the moveable equipment of Medical Care. The contact to BAKORNAS by Phone is +21-3458400 or +62-21-3508500 Mr.Adang or Mr. Madi;FAX +62-21-3453283
OCHA Situation Report No. 6 2000/6/19
Seriously injured:788
Slightly injured:1,789

Totally destroyed:1,800
Seriously damaged:10,196
Slightly damaged:16,776

Totally destroyed:0
Seriously damaged:3
Slightly damaged:0

Health centres
Totally destroyed:8
Seriously damaged:72
Slightly damaged:49

Totally destroyed:2
Seriously damaged:130
Slightly damaged:73

Administration buildings
Totally destroyed:1
Seriously damaged:120
Slightly damaged:41

Totally destroyed:4
Seriously damaged:11
Slightly damaged:20

Electricity - The electricity supply is still functioning at 30% capacity.

Water supply - The piped water system in Bengkulu is functioning at 20% capacity.

Enggano island - Up to 95% of 300 families are reported to be seriously damaged.
- 4 churches, 5 mosques, 1 health centre, 6 schools and all government buildings have been destroyed.
OCHA Situation Report No. 5 2000/6/12
Dead: 90
Seriously injured: 612
Slightly injured: 1,562
Damage to houses:

Completely destroyed: 352
Partially damaged: 669
Additional damage has been caused to infrastructure and lifelines.

Electric power systems in Bengkulu and some outlying districts were disrupted by damage to generators and power poles.
Piped water in Bengkulu was previously available to about 30 per cent of the city. The damage to water supply systems have now reduced this to about 5 per cent. In addition many wells and bores in rural districts are damaged. One noted problem is the cracking of concrete sleeves lining wells, which allows leakage of pollutants into rural water sources.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 7 Jun 2000
In all, 85 people confirmed killed (43 persons in Central Bengkulu, 39 persons in south Bengkulu, 3 persons in North Bengkulu), and 2185 persons injured (seriously 532, slightly 1653).
354 houses destroyed and 669 houses partially damaged.
Some dams and wells are reported to have been destroyed
Material Losses:
- IDR 50 billion (USD 6 million), according to the media
BBC News 2000/06/06 Sumatra quake aid appeal
At least 58 people are now known to have died - with 500 people injured, 255 seriously - and many more are believed trapped by rubble.

In the worst-hit area, Bengkulu, hundreds of buildings were brought down, the airport closed and electricity and water supplies cut.
Telephone lines have been knocked out and several roads into the province damaged, hampering rescue efforts.
Indonesia has issued an urgent appeal for help after a massive earthquake struck the western island of Sumatra.

Related Links


Kyodo News (in Japanese only)

BBC News 2000/06/05
At least 58 people are now known to have died - with 500 people injured, 255 seriously - and many more are believed trapped by rubble.

Kompas Newspaper
The most famous Newspaper in Indonesia, available in English

CNN News 2000/06/06
Bengkulu was the hardest-hit city. An aftershock, measuring 6.7, struck 11 minutes later. More than 50 smaller aftershocks followed, causing widespread telephone and power outages.

BAKORNAS (National Coordinating Board for Disaster Management), Indonesian Central Government
The Central of Indonesian Government for Disaster Management

Reuters News 2000/06/05

Tempo Online
The highest grade of Weekly Magazine in Indonesia

CNN News 2000/06/05
The quake measured 7.9 and its epicenter was about 65 miles off the coast of Sumatra, 70 miles (112km) south-southwest of Bengkulu, and 335 miles (536km) west-northwest of Jakarta.

OCHA Situation Report No. 1 2000/06/05
According to the media, many houses have collapsed leaving thousands homeless. Electricity and water supplies were severed by the quakes and many phone lines are down. Several roads have been damaged.

The Home Page of Bengkulu

Bacaanku Web Bews
On-line News from Indonesia in English

The Agency of Meteorology and Geophysics, Indonesian Government

The statistical Data of Bengkulu Province

OCHA Situation Report No. 4 2000/06/09

Asia Gateway
The latest news in Asia

European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) 2000/08/17

IFRC 2000/07/20
Three aftershocks measuring between 4.7 and 5.1 on the Richter scale shook the Bengkulu province on Saturday, 8 June, 2000, but with no reported fatalities or damages. The epicentre of the aftershocks was at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, 76 kilometres from the provincial capital of Bengkulu.

IFRC 2000/06/30
Since the powerful earthquake struck on June 4, killing over 100 people and causing widespread devastation, more than 730 aftershocks have occurred. Many people still sleep in tents or under plastic sheeting, either because their houses have collapsed or from fear that it will do so during the next tremor.

OCHA Situation Report No. 6 2000/6/19
On 4/5/6 June 2000 a series of earthquakes struck the area southwest of Sumatra in Indonesia. The epicentres were located about 100 km west of Sumatra with the highest recorded magnitude at 7.9 on the Richter scale, although some authorities gave lower readings. Many aftershocks measuring over 5 on the Richter scale were recorded days later. Aftershocks are still occurring as late as 16 June. Area affected The limits of the earthquake damage stretched from approximately 15-20 km north of Bengkulu city to a few kilometres south of the town of Manna and all of Enggano island in Bengkulu province. No casualties or damage are reported from any other neighbouring province.

Indonesia earthquake(sequel)
The sound of hammering and sawing echoed throughout Bengkulu, the city hardest hit by Sunday(00/06/04)'s 7.9- magnitude earthquake. The work progressed despite continuing aftershocks. Sumatra was rocked Thursday(00/06/08) by a second, 6.2-magnitude quake. Asia felt two other earthquakes on Thursday -- a 4.9- magnitude tremor in Japan and a 6.6-magnitude quake in Myanmar. There were no reports of deaths or major damage. Approximately 100 people died in Sunday's quake, many crushed by falling debris as they slept. Also, 1,900 were injured, half seriously, and approximately 25,000 people were left homeless. A 19-member Japanese medical team arrived in Bengkulu Friday and began replacing dilapidated tents that provided shelter for dozens of patients. Roving medics treated the injured in outlying areas. Ueli Salz, a member of the UN disaster assessment team in the quake zone, said nearly 80 percent of homes in Bengkulu would have to be rebuilt. Salz said the United Nations would help with the rebuilding, but added that a plan had yet to be formulated. Roads split by crevasses or blocked by landslides also need reconstructing.

OCHA Situation Report No. 5 2000/6/12
Latest casualty figures reported from the provincial government: Dead: 90 Seriously injured: 612 Slightly injured: 1,562 Damage to houses: Completely destroyed: 352 Partially damaged: 669 Additional damage has been caused to infrastructure and lifelines. Electric power systems in Bengkulu and some outlying districts were disrupted by damage to generators and power poles. Piped water in Bengkulu was previously available to about 30 per cent of the city. The damage to water supply systems have now reduced this to about 5 per cent. In addition many wells and bores in rural districts are damaged. One noted problem is the cracking of concrete sleeves lining wells, which allows leakage of pollutants into rural water sources. Harbour facilities were also affected. The roll-on roll-off wharf at Enggano was surveyed by the Dutch Navy and is considered only suitable for use with extreme caution. The wharf at Bengkulu suffered only slight damage and is serviceable but the approach road crosses two bridges that are affected and only safe for light trucks. Some marine navigation marks have been damaged or moved. Bengkulu airport is understood to be completely serviceable.

Sumatra quake (2000/06/07)
Tens of thousands of people on the Indonesian island of Sumatra have spent a third night outdoors as aftershocks continue from the powerful earthquake that hit the region on Sunday. Officials say more than 100 people are confirmed dead, many of them crushed in their sleep by collapsing buildings when the quake struck.

Geographycal Data

USGS Historical Seismicity
The Seismic Activities in surrounding area

USGS-National Earthquake Information Center
The epicenter overlays with Satellite Data

The Position of Bengkulu Province

University of Edinburgh, World-Wide Earthquake Locator
The epicenter of Earthquake and its surrounding Map, Zoom in & Out OK

[ERI Emergency Relief Information]

Report from Red Cross