Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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Japan: Earthquake: 2000/10/06 Country Information on DRR

Period 2000/10/06
Country or District Japan
Event Type Earthquake
Outline An earthquake struck Chugoku district face to Japan Sea (Western part of the main land of Japan)in Japan on 6 October 2000 at around 4:30 GMT. The magnitude 7.3 on Richter scale. The detailed information will be issued later.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
Tottori Prefecture Damage Report (as of Oct. 12 9:00 A.M.)
People killed 0
People injured 97
People evacuated 421
Houses destroyed 99
Houses half-destroyed 188
Houses damaged 2,743
Public buildings damaged 69
Cultural assets damaged 40
Road ruined 540
River damaged 44
Harbor facilities damaged 88
Erosion control facilities damaged 10
Landslides 125

Related Links


The Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction (CCEP), Japan
The abstract of the meeting on Western Tottori Earthquake and the crustal deformation of West-South Japan by specialists and scholars (Japanese only)

Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion
The characteristics of the earthquake which exerts damage on Tottori Prefecture, and the earthquake activities

Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion
The evaluation of the western earthquake activities of Tottori Prefecture

Meteorological Agency (Japanese)

Research Center for Earthquake Prediction, DPRI, Kyoto University (Japanese & English)
Western Tottori, Japan, Earthquake

Yomiuri Newspaper (Japanese)

Seihaku town

BBC News 2000/10/06
Earthquake shakes western Japan

Asahi Newspaper (Japanese)

Nihonkai Newspaper

Jiji News

Japan Weather Association
Latest Earthquake

Yonago city (Japanese)

Kyodo News

Chugoku Newspaper (Japanese only)

CNN News 2000/10/09
Western Japan hit by two strong aftershocks

Fire Defense Agency (Japanese)

Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center

Tottori Prefeture
Damage Report

Damage Reports edited by ADRC

Comment by Prof. Oike (Kyoto Univ.)
(18:30 MBS TV) There is an active fault in this area. Although it is not written down in the map of active faults, there have been several small earthquakes in this ten years, whichcan be considered as the symptom of this earthquake. The active faults in Western Japan has been activate since 80's.

Strong Earthquake Hits Western Japan
The strong Earthquake hit the Tottori Prefecture and its surroundings area with the Magnitude of 7.3. At this time, no big casualties that has been reported, but according to Japanese Government, the possibility of M6 is stil exist.


ADRC Reports in Western Tottori
Photos in Affected Area by Mr. Arakida, a researcher of ADRC

Mainichi Newspaper