Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
Disaster Information
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India: Drought: 2001/05 Country Information on DRR

Period 2001/05
Country or District India
Event Type Drought
Outline All the Meteorological sub-divisions in Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan received deficient and inadequate rainfall during South-west monsoon 2000, leading to drought like situation.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others

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Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India

Urgent Report from Supporting Members of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center

The Report from counterpart of ADRC
WEEKLY DROUGHT REPORT: No.9 (As of 26th June, 2001)

The Report from counterpart of ADRC
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WEEKLY DROUGHT REPORT: No.4 (As of 21st May, 2001)

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