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Italy: Volcano: 2001/07 Country Information on DRR

Period 2001/07
Country or District Italy
Event Type Volcano
Outline Since middle of July, Mt. Etna in Sicily, Italy has shown signs of volcanic activity.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others

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Etna news and photos (French only)

La Sicilia Web
Information of Eruption of Mt. Etna

[ERI Emergency Relief Information]

Parco dell'Etna
Information of Mt. Etna

Italy's Volcanpes
Information of Volcanoes in Italy


Satelite Images of Mt.Etna.

Vulcano Etna
Etna Live cam

Etna Live cam and map

Vulcano Etna
Videos of eruption

Deutschen Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy