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Indonesia: Earthquake: 1998/11/29 Country Information on DRR

Period 1998/11/29
Country or District Indonesia
Event Type Earthquake
Outline Earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck on 29 November 1998 at 14:10 GMT. Some had been dead,and many houses were damaged. Tsunami worning were issued at every place.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
Indonesia - Earthquake OCHA Situation Report No. 2
25 people killed, 66 slightly injured, 22 badly injured and 8 missing. 512 houses were destroyed and 760 damaged. The earthquake also destroyed or damaged 17 schools, 9 churches, 12 mosques and 14 government offices.
OCHA Situation Report No.1 98/11/24
More than 121,000 people were assisted in reaching cyclone shelters by the National Red Crescent Society. Losses reported include damage to rice paddy crops and to mud-fabricated houses and bamboo structures used for drying of fish.
Action by Churches Together
50 persons dead, 8 missing, 41 seriously injured and around 3,000 people evacuated to safer areas.
Indonesia earthquake leaves a wrecked island
Some dormitories for the 4,000 workers and their families -- who account for about half Mangole island's population -- were destroyed or left with gaping holes where walls had collapsed.
Severe quake kills at least six in eastern Indonesian island
Timber company said five of its workers were killed when the dormitories in which they were sleeping collapsed on top of them.
Indonesia: Earthquake Information
6 people have died and at least 30 people have been seriously injured. 98 houses and some public buildings, such as schools and churches, have been destroyed.

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CNN News Nov.29
The epicenter was located in the Molucca Sea off the island of Mangole.In Mangole,people are now gathering in a football field. There was a lot of panic. They are too afraid to sleep because there might be aftershocks

OCHA Situation Report No.2
The Armed Forces will organize the provision of tents and generators to supplement local supplies.

CNN news Nov. 28
Floods have destroyed more than two million tons of rice in Bangladesh, cutting rice production by at least 75 percent.

Relief Web

OCHA Situation Report No.1
・Unconfirmed reports indicate that four people were killed on Mangole island in eastern Indonesia ・A tsunami warning was issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Action by Churches Together (ACT) 10 Dec 1998
The areas most affected have no hospitals and many of the more remote districts even lack basic health facilities/clinics.

Reuters 02 Dec 1998
Parts of the timber factory are now a twisted ruin after an earthquake this week which killed at least 41 people. It could take a further three months to get the factory up and running again.

AFP News 98/12/1 No.2
Continuous aftershocks have left the Mangole island's 120,000 inhabitants weary and on alert. On Monday most residents were camped in fields away from their houses and some had gone to higher ground in fear of tidal waves.

AFP News 01 Dec 1998
The death toll from a severe earthquake that struck the remote Sula islands in eastern Indonesia on Sunday, has risen to 25.

ABC News 30 Nov 1998
At least six people have been killed and 30-injured after a huge earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit the Indonesian island of Mangole.

AFP News 30 Nov 1998
At least 70 aftershocks were registered in the first few hours after the quake,measured at 6.5 of the Richter scale.

IFRC News 30 Nov 1998
After distributing some initial assistance (5mt rice, noodles, sugar & medicine) provided by the local government, the Indonesian Red Cross is continuing to work with the authorities in assessing the situation.