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Kyrgyz Republic: Flood: 1998/07 Country Information on DRR

Period 1998/07
Country or District Kyrgyz Republic
Event Type Flood
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
OCHA Situation Report No.2(OCHA 98.7.14)
・Kyrgyz rescue teams recovered the bodies of 42 Uzbek and 1 Kyrgyz citizen. Preliminary reports from Uzbekistan indicate that in total 92 people have perished due to these floods in the Fergana Valley.
・About 14,000 people had to be evacuated and some 53 families are reported to have lost all personal belongings.
・12 km of lines, 4 km of cable, 32 pillars.
・3 road bridges crushed.
・ natural gas equipment: 250 m of a medium pressure pipeline, 250 m of a low pressure pipeline, 1 converting station.
・ power lines: 31 pillars (10 kw and 0.4 kw) and 2 transformer substations .
・ the main water accumulation facility and the canal at the power station of the Kadamjay antimony factory.
・220 m of drinking water main pipeline.
OCHA Situation Report No.1(OCHA 98.7.9)
・42 human causalities (all citizens of Uzbekistan) ・Several houses destroyed and/or evacuated
・A portion of the road washed out
・One bridge crashed
・The water supply system in Pulgon village ruined
・30 power poles washed out
・4 power substations put out of operation.

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・Thawing ice and snow in a mountainous area of neighbouring Kyrgyzstan caused a lake to overflow, adding to water levels along the Shakhimardan River which eventually broke its banks causing widespread destruction. ・

Reuters Death toll in Uzbek Flood hits 93, could go higher Jul.13
Ninety-three people have been killed in heavy flooding in Uzbekistan but the real death toll could be much higher.

OCHA Situation Report No.2 Jul.14

OCHA Situation Report No.1 Jul.9
On 8 July 1998, as a result of a melting glacier, the water level in the river Shahimardan, located at the border of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, rose dramatically, and the river flooded the villages of Pulgon, Kadamjai and Kyzyl Bulak in Kyrgyzstan and the village of Shahimardan in Uzbekistan.

Reuters Kyrgystan failed to give Uzbeks flood warning Jul.13
Kyrgystan failed to give Uzbeks flood warning

Inhabitants in east Uzbekistan, hit by deadly floods, were not warned of the threat of disaster by neighbouring Kyrgyzstan's weather service because of the absence of cash.

Relief Web

Geographycal Data

Lonely Planet - Kyrgyzatan Map -

[ERI Emergency Relief Information]

OCHA Situation Report No.1(OCHA 98.7.9)