Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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Papua New Guinea: Tsunami: 1998/07 Country Information on DRR

Period 1998/07
Country or District Papua New Guinea
Event Type Tsunami
Outline At approximately 1930 local time on Friday 17 July 1998 an earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Richter Scale occurred just off the north-west coast of Papua New Guinea some 35 km north-west of Sissano Lagoon.
Human Impact Physical Impact Others
OCHA Situation Report No.9 Aug.7
・There are more than 2,100 dead.
・500 or more people are still missing.
・There are about 9200 victims.
・The Tsunami wholy destroyed the districts.
・The water receded quickly. The main impact area now presents a picture of almost total destruction, being stripped of all buildings and habitation and all vegetation except surviving mature coconut trees.
・Although the tsunami was experienced along 50 km of the coast west of the regional centre of Aitape, the worst affected area was a 25 km strip from Sissano to Malol.
Papua New Guinea: Tidal Wave Situation Report No. 3
・Deaths : 2182
・Injured : 473
・survivors : 9199
・The PNG Red Cross/International Federation, Salvation Army, Catholic Church, ADRA and World Vision are the main remaining agencies.
・The National Society and Federation, which distributed relief supplies to the homeless in six care centres, is now drafting a rehabilitation plan.

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・After this disaster in Papua New Guinea, It's on the way from the stage of rescue to the stage of education-rebuilding for children. Long-term patient action is demanded for victims' future living. ・International interest in this disaster was very much, because it was very difficult to prevent from the disaster. The scale of Emergency Reliefs was quite large. ・From Japan, 11 members contributed to rescue victims.

OCHA Situation Report No.1 Jul.18

OCHA Situation Report No.3 Jul.20

OCHA Situation Report No.5 Jul.22

OCHA Situation Report No.2 Jul.19

Relief Web

OCHA Situation Report No.9 Aug.7

OCHA Situation Report No.7 Jul.28

OCHA Situation Report No.8 Jul.31

JICA Satellite Report 98/07/30

OCHA Situation Report No.4 Jul.21

OCHA Situation Report No.6 Jul.24

Geographycal Data

Papua New Guinea Tsunami Disaster Map

[ERI Emergency Relief Information]

Papua New Guinea: Tidal Wave Situation Report No. 3 98/08/18

OCHA Situation Report No. 9 98/08/07

JICA Report

Agencies Helping Tidal Wave Victims in Papua New Guinea 98/08/13

Papua New Guinea Earthquake-Tsunami Emergency Relief Commission 98/08/17

The Report of Japan Emergency Team 98/08/06

Papua New Guinea District Picture (by Brian Cassey)

Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Report

The Investigation Report by "machiken"