Good Practices 2006 Supplement
I In recent years, natural disasters have been affecting an increasing numbers of people throughout theworld. The Indian Ocean Tsunami caused an enormous tragedy the year before last, and moreover, theSouth Asia Earthquake in Pakistan October of last year resulted in huge number of lives in the IslamicRepublic of Pakistan, India and surrounding areas. It is important to point out that the Asian region accounts for nearly 90% of the world’s affected population.
But these crises triggered and brought about serious awareness for the necessity of regional solidarity.
The support for emergency preparedness and response has been expanded over the entire world immediately after the disasters. Disaster mitigation and prevention require the involvement of everybody,and it requires the organized participation of the entire population. National and international resources are needed to reduce the vulnerability of the population.
Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) will not only continue to support the development of scientific capability against disasters, but will also pay increasing attention to the social dimensions of disaster prevention. ADRC has collaborative status with the United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) Kobe and International Recovery Platform (IRP), and also works in collaboration with many stakeholders in Asia. ADRC and these partner organizations have formulated a holistic approach to disaster risk reduction known as Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM).
“Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices” is a user-friendly handbook including the concept of TDRM and its good practices, that was published for UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction that was held on 18-22 January 2005 in Kobe, Japan. Herein “2006 Supplement of Good Practices” contains good practices submitted by ADRC member countries for relevant stakeholders to share knowledge in order to contribute to global disaster risk reduction.
Furthermore, it would be our great pleasure to continue receiving a broad range of good practices fromyou. I hope this publication will stimulate the promotion of the TDRM approach and contribute to efforts to build a safer world.