FY2014 Annual Report

1. Highlights of 2014/2015
1-1. Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2014History of the Establishment of the ADRC
2. Asian Disaster Reduction Center
3. Collection and Dissemination of Disaster Information
3-1. Disaster Risk Reduction Activities of Member Countries
3-1-1. Information Collection from Member Countries
3-1-2. Natural Disaster Data Book
3-1-3. Disaster Information Sharing Using GLIDE Numbers
3-2. Database on Disaster Risk Reduction
3-2-1. Latest Disaster Information
3-2-2. Multilanguage Glossary on Disaster Reduction
3-2-3. Asian Disaster Reduction Center Newsletter: ADRC Highlights
3-3. Transmitting Space Image of areas affected by Disaster and Offering Image Analysis Technique
3-3-1. Sentinel Asia
3-3-2. Achievements of the Sentinel Asia in the HFA and recommendations for the Post- HFA
4. Human Resource Development
4-1 Human Resource Development and Information Networking on Visiting Researcher (VR)
4-1-1. Background
4-1-2. Objective
4-1-3. Activities of Visiting Researchers in FY2013
4-2 Seminars and Training Course
4-2-1. JICA Training Course: "Comprehensive Disaster Management for Central Asia and Caucasus"
4-2-2. JICA Training Course: "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Course"
4-2-3. JICA Training Course: "Raising Awareness of Disaster Reduction"
5. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
5-1. Urban Search and Rescue Training in Singapore
5-2. Capacity Building in Member Countries
5-2-1. ADRC Cooperative Project and Peer Review for Promoting the Implementation of the
5-2-2. Technical Cooperation Project in Indonesia
5-2-3. Technical Cooperation Project in the Philippines
5-2-4. Research on Tsunami Disaster Awareness among Residents of Indonesia
5-3. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
(1) 6th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
(2) 7th ECO International Conference on Disaster Risk Management
(3) ASEM Manila Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management "Post-Haiyan -A Way Forward" in the Philippines
(4) APEC Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum (8th SDMOF)
(5) Second Regional Ministerial Conference of Disaster Management Authorities in Central Asia under the "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue
(6) The second World Reconstruction Conference (WRC 2)
(7) The 2014 International Training Workshop on Natural Disaster Reduction
(8) UNISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) Meeting
(9) Asian Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction
(10) 7th APEC Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG) Meeting
6. The International Recovery Platform (IRP): History and Current Activities
7. Public Relations Activities
7-1. Promotion through Mass Media
7-2. Participation in International Conferences and Contribution to Magazines