FY2016 Annual Report
1. Asian Disaster Reduction Center
2. Highlights of 2016/2017
2-1. ADRC study visit to the affected areas by Kumamoto Earthquakes
2-1-1. Overview
2-1-2. ADRC Steering Committee meeting in Kumamoto
2-1-3. Study visit to the affected areas by the Kumamoto
2-2. Promotion of World tsunami awareness day
2-2-1. Background of ADRC Tsunami DRR workshops
2-2-2. Workshop focusing on tsunami DRR policies at national level Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction in APEC economies
2-2-3. Community level tsunami DRR "Lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean Tsunami and way forward"
3. Collection and Dissemination of Disaster Information
3-1. DRR Activities of Member Countries
3-1-1. Information Collection from Member Countries
3-1-2. Natural Disaster Data Book
3-1-3. Disaster Information Sharing Using GLIDE Numbers
3-2-1. Latest Disaster Information
3-2-2. Asian Disaster Reduction Center Newsletter: ADRC Highlights
3-1-3. Disaster Information Sharing Using GLIDE Numbers
3-3-1. Sentinel Asia
3-3-2. Sentinel Asia activities for DRR
3-3-3. Applying Space-Based Technology and Information and Communication Technology to Strengthen Disaster Resilience
4. Human Resource Development
4-1 Human Resource Development and Information Networking on Visiting Researcher (VR)
4-1-1. Background
4-1-2. Objective
4-1-3. Activities of Visiting Researchers in FY2016
4-2 Seminars and Training Course
4-2-1. JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program: "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction for Central Asia and Caucasus"
4-2-2. JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program: "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management"
4-2-3. JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program: "Raising Awareness of Disaster Reduction"
4-2-4. Japan-Singapore Partnership Program for the 21st Century "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management"
5. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
5-1. Urban Search and Rescue Training in Singapore
5-2. Capacity Building in Member Countries
5-2-1. Technical Cooperation Project in Nepal
5-2-2. Project on Rehabilitation and Recovery from Nepal Earthquake
5-2-3. Data Collection Survey of Disaster Protection and Prevention in Mongolia
5-2-4. Technical Cooperation Project in Mongolia
5-3. Promoting Cooperation with Member Countries, International Organizations and NGOs
6. International Recovery Platform (IRP): History and Current Activities
7. Awareness raising by diverse media and conferences
7-1. Promotion through Mass Media
7-2. Participation in International Conferences and Contribution to Magazines