Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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The 4th ADRC Int'l Meeting in New Delhi
ADRC Staff Profile 11 (Ms. Takako Chinoi)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: Floods in Indonesia
Happy New Year! (Greeting from ADRC)
We are ADRC Member Countries 1: Japan
ESCAP-WMO Typhoon Committee
Visit ADRC New Homepage.
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: 1. A Strong Earthquake in Tajikistan 2. Floods in Russia
High-level Regional Meeting for World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
JUSTSAT 2001 Workshop in Hawaii
Report from ADRC Counterpart (Nepal)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: Typhoon KAJIKI hit Philippine and Vietnam
Visiting Researcher's Report (1)Media Role for Disaster Management - Learned from the visit to NHK (2)Fruitful Stay in ADRC for 6 Months
ADRC Staff Profiles 10 (Ms. Sonoko Tanaka)
Korea's First Int'l Disaster Cooperation Seminar (ADRC was invited to deliver keynote lecture)
ADRC Visiting Researcher Report (Experience in ADRC never to be forgotten)
ADRC Staff Profiles 9 (Mr. Fumiaki Yoshimura)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: Typhoon Lingling hit Philippines and Vietnam
ADRC Cooperative Project (International Urban Search and Rescue Training, Singapore)
ADRC Staff Profiles 8 (Mr. Masanori Araki)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: Earthquake in Yunnan Province, Southwest China
ADRC Participated as Member of Advisory Panel for UN-ISDR Global Review
ADRC Visiting Researcher Report (A Field Trip to Iwate Prefecture, Japan)
ADRC Staff Profiles 7 (Mr. Masaru Arakida)
ADRC Visiting Researcher's Report 
"Hyogo-Gujarat Friendship Fund" Signing Ceremony
ADRC Staff Profiles 6 (Dr. Harumi Yashiro)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: 1. Floods in Vietnam 2. Typhoon hit Taiwan 3. Floods in India
International Symposium on Internet based Disaster Information (ISIDI)
ADRC Staff Profiles 5 (Mr. Bambang Rudyanto)
College Interns work at ADRC
Visitors to ADRC
The Promotion of "Unique ID Project"
ADRC Staff Profiles 4 (Mr. Ryosuke Aota)
Recent Natural Disasters in Asia: 1. Floods in Thailand 2. Floods in Iran 3. Typhoon in Japan 4. Floods in Cambodia
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